How Can You Celebrate Life in a Time of Fear
Shit is still crazy around here. How about in your part of the globe? Are you starting to settle into a new normal yet or is your nervous system still in shock? Perhaps some of each. My son asked me yesterday, what is the craziest experience so far for you mom in this whole thing? And I couldn't answer because it is ALL SO CRAZY!
I do have a weird thing about me that I tend to like crazy times. I am not 100% sure why this is.
It could be a childhood imprint from my mom who always loved thunderstorms and would get so excited when we lost power in the house. It meant a break from the normal routine of rules and structure. It meant more spontaneity and playfulness.
Sometimes I think it is in my genetic makeup too, (which is 99.5% Ashkenazi Jew, according to the 23 & Me test.)
There is a deep lineage of “expecting the worst” for Jews in general. This is something that sucks most of the time. It is something I have had to struggle against repeatedly in my psyche - learning to allow myself to feel hopeful and positive about the future; learning to believe that my future is bright and expansive. Basically learning to live in trust rather than fear - is something I have spent countless hours working on.
And I know this is not just a Jewish thing - I have seen it in coaching clients of all different backgrounds. I just happen to be quite intimate with the particular Jewish flavor. There are multiple, very irritating down sides to this lineage.
Right now - in a time of world crisis - there is a powerful, supportive plus side.
It feels relatively easy for me to find joy and celebrate life when everything feels dark and foreboding. In order to move past fear and grief we must take time to celebrate life. We have a tendency in this culture to remove ourselves from death, sanitise and curtail our grieving process - putting it into very circumscribed boxes. We do this same thing with our joy for Life. We find true freedom when we allow ourselves our full expression of everything.
Allow yourself to feel it ALL and let it ALL get expressed through you - the fear, the grief, the heartache, the loneliness, the courage, the joy, the celebration. You are Alive, right here and now and that is worth celebrating - now more than ever.
We are here, alive, together.
With Love and Gratitude,
P.S As this is my 18th Blog Post it seems especially fitting to embrace this part of my heritage. The number 18 is special to Jews because it corresponds to the word “Chai” (pronounced “Hi”) which means LIFE. Today, for my 18th Blog Post, I celebrate LIFE. I celebrate my life, my kids’ lives, your life, the planet’s life and the life of all the spring plants sharing their life with me right now in my yard.
P.P.S I am offering a very special coaching package now, for you, at this unprecedented time - From Fear to Fierce Love. It is a 6 Week program targeted to support you at this bat shit crazy time, (but the tools you learn will support you for the rest of your life!!! YAAH!!!)