What is your 'thing' that makes you happy no matter what? (Read on to learn what mine is)

How would you spend your time if your time was completely your own?
What would a perfect day look like for you?
If you knew you had a week to live, what would you do?

I love asking these questions of myself and my friends and clients because they connect us to our deepest, truest desires and our core personal essence. At this time, when so much is uncertain, confusing and just freaking weird - you have to find the things that make sense to you. You have to find your inner truth(s) and bring it to the center of your daily life.

Here are mine: this is what I know to be TRUE in the deepest core of my being:

  • Dancing is my thing. Dancing always makes me feel good, no matter what else is happening in my life, in my kids’ lives, or in the world around me. No matter what my mood is and what emotion I am feeling - dancing makes me feel better.

  • My well-being and my children’s well-being is my highest priority.

  • I need and rely on the support of those who have shown me unequivocally that they love and respect me and have the desire, willingness and ability to support me in ways that feel nourishing and comforting to me. My list of people that fit this category are some of the most amazing humans on the planet as well as Divine Mother Nature herself.

So in honor of the above I have made a personal commitment to 50 days of dance, starting today, Friday March 26th. 50 days from now takes us to May 16th which is my birthday!

I am inviting you to join me in the way that feels most supportive to you.

  • When you want/ need to dance - please join me. You can get all the details below on how to join.

  • Take 20 minutes today to respond in your journal to one of the above questions. Then brainstorm on how you can use this information in your life right now. Email me if you need help with this!

  • Commit to doing the thing that makes you feel good no matter what today and for 10 days in a row. Share with me and at least 1 other person your commitment and ask to be held accountable in a way that feels supportive and not irritating to you.

Join the Facebook Group Choose Love Dance Club to get notifications on all classes. Or Sign up using this form


More specifics about the dance club:
I will be leading us through a 30ish minute Shake Your Soul class. Shake Your Soul is designed to get you connected internally - what are you feeling inside and how does that want to express itself through your body? It is also designed to be fun - to help you feel like a little kid again - when you would dance with total abandon, and zero self-consciousness and shame.

  • We will shake, stretch, shimmy, groove and boogy together. You will sweat!

  • If you would rather feel more private, you can turn your video off.

  • If you want to feel the community and show off your sweet moves - turn your video on!

  • I will be inviting dance teachers of all different styles to take turns leading a class. This will be extra extra fun!!! I will share more about that as it all solidifies.

  • Kids are 100% welcome (my kids will make frequent appearances!)

  • In light of our current crazy time -  this a donation based offering, with suggested donation of $10 per class. To keep this super simple to start you can simply venmo me your donation.

  • Venmo is incredibly easy to sign up for and free to use. My venmo account is Margot-Schulman-1 with a picture of me dancing in a flowy white skirt

  • Questions? Send me an email to margot at chooserevolution.com

P.S. I am offering a very special coaching package now, for you, at this unprecedented time - From Fear to Fierce Love. It is a 6 Week program targeted to support you at this bat shit crazy time, (but the tools you learn will support you for the rest of your life!!! YAAH!!!)