My resistance to writing (she/her)on my zoom name

Interestingly, I have no problem intellectually with using different pronouns… And when I make the attempt, my body actually feels better — lighter and more expansive. But, just like my mom missing holding a knife, the nostalgia in my body is real too and if I want to move through it with ease, compassion and peace, I give myself grace for feeling it.

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Margot Schulman
Are you a good person? How can you tell?

Do our particular choices determine whether we’re a good person or not? What if we make many “bad” choices but then try to make up for it with “good” choices? Is there some kind of scale in which all the “bad” things I do have to get balanced out by the “good” things I do? This seems a very Judeo/Christian way to look at life… a very “scales of justice/heaven or hell” kinda thing which definitely feels wrong in my heart and gut.

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Margot Schulman
In which I come clean about a 7 year secret

Enough is e-freakin-nough. I’ve reached my boiling point and am ready to share a secret I’ve been holding onto for 7 years. It’s a secret that I just discovered maybe isn’t even mine to carry, but which I have felt aching amounts of fear and shame around for years.

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Margot Schulman
Experiencing Joy & Pleasure in Outrageous Asking (even when I don’t get what I want)

Doing scary shit is the fastest, surest path to deeper self-trust, acceptance, and love. Because if you want something different for your life, you have to do something different. The bigger the change you want? The farther you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

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A personal story of white privilege

I have never received any special treatment in life.
I have worked hard for everything I have.
Nobody has ever handed me anything!
I have suffered so much.
Have you said this in your life? It’s ok if you have, I don’t think you’re a bad person. I also don’t think you are a liar.
This is not an "Either/Or" situation though, it’s a both/and situation.

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Margot Schulman
Everything I need to know about self care I learned by running a soup kitchen

When I was responsible for feeding an average of 500 people per day through a free meal program the biggest part of my job turned out to be managing all the volunteers.

I learned very quickly that this is ridiculously difficult.

I am seriously not exaggerating.

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You should try a spring cleaning for your beliefs

I have been noticing a hardcore kerfuffle happening in social media lately around beliefs. People are displaying anger, fury, fear and hatred towards folks who seem to have different beliefs than them.

Have you been getting worked up — furious, scared, indignant, anxious about people whose beliefs differ from yours?

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