What if we're SUPPOSED to fight for justice as Americans?

What if the horrifying divisiveness in this country is necessary in order to force us progressives to more fully commit to fighting for a better American future?

Statue of Liberty in fog

Statue of Liberty in fog

Many of us, myself included, have this story that our political life should be EASY. We believe a narrative that Americans have some “divine right” to justice and peace.

But why would America be the only nation where that is true?

This reeks of American exceptionalism.

I was reminded recently of my own American myopia around politics when reading a profound and inspiring piece written by my dear friend Keylan. She writes about her recently deceased father, Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz who dedicated his life and energy to serving Kurdistan - the revolution, political struggle, diplomacy, enlightenment, and academy. She writes about how he never lost hope.

Baba, a freedom-fighter in his 80s, had more evidence than any Kurd to feel hopeless about, or at least profoundly frustrated by, the Kurdish situation: DECADES of staggering aggressions, hopes dashed, three-steps-forward-two-steps-back. But even after 60+ years of writing, interviews, hunger strikes, marches, arguments, striving and witnessing HE STILL BELIEVED that the Kurdish situation could and would get better.

He focused on the gains made and on creative thinking about what endeavors might come next. Baba’s work on this front was ongoing; in fact, he and I discussed concrete efforts to this end just within the last month.

If he could unceasingly believe in the Kurds and their potential, we can believe in each other and in the United States. We can embrace the American ideals that have inspired so many honorable efforts and we can keep working to live up to them.

We can choose to view the vagaries before us with grace, we can choose to never give up.

In honor of Keylan’s Baba; in honor of freedom fighters all over the world; in honor of the people whose names we will never know who fought and died for justice — I pledge to keep fighting. No matter who becomes the next president of this country.

Will you join me?

Fierce bald eagle

Fierce bald eagle

Margot Schulman