“Being wrong, admitting it, apologizing for it humbly and asking the question “How can I do better?” actually makes us more lovable, more safe and ultimately much smarter AND wiser!
Read MoreI have been noticing a hardcore kerfuffle happening in social media lately around beliefs. People are displaying anger, fury, fear and hatred towards folks who seem to have different beliefs than them.
Have you been getting worked up — furious, scared, indignant, anxious about people whose beliefs differ from yours?
Read MoreWhat the Fuck? is my new favorite practice.
I’ve still got nothing but love for my sweeter, gentler practices that focus on mindfulness, compassion, gratitude and love.
However lately I find myself relying more heavily on practices that release frustration, irritation, disbelief and of course, anger out of my nervous system and body.
Read MoreTantrums are a sure fire way to move stuck energy out of the body. Babies and children know how to do this until they are blocked by adults. Animals do this naturally as well - full body shaking after a frightening event.
Check this video here where I explain more fully and demonstrate.
Ok, deep breath. This whole lock-down thing is getting pretty old right about now. I’m over it. I want to just fucking walk into a coffee shop, smile at a barista and scarf down a chocolate chip cookie, without worrying about anything more than the cookie’s calorie count.
Is that too much to freakin’ ask?
Screams the frustrated and angry teenage part of me.
Read MoreI feel like our world is changing like that right now - sudden, dramatic shifts are happening all around and more truths are coming into clear and stark relief.
With the shit hitting the fan the way it has been, people’s true natures are becoming more and more obvious.
How would you spend your time if your time was completely your own?
What would a perfect day look like for you?
If you knew you had a week to live, what would you do?
What do you need now, right in this moment to feel safe and loved?
Can you find that centered, courageous part of yourself?
I have been on a roller coaster of emotions myself - working through all sorts of emotional and mental swampiness.
Read MoreAnd I have given up SO MUCH SHIT that used to weigh me down. I have truly become lighter using the tools that I share here, in my book and with my clients. My head feels lighter because the overbearing, critical, judgemental voices have quieted down by about 90%.
Read MoreI did not make any resolutions this year. But I did take time to “take stock,” so to speak. I spent time examining and writing about myself with the goal of celebrating my own accomplishments and awesomeness, acknowledging my failures in order to see where and how I can expand further into integrity, compassion and confidence, and clarifying my goals.
Read MoreWhat do you call your yoni? (And for my men friends - what do you call this part of a woman?) Or do you not call it anything - just gesture to it when necessary saying vaguely down there…?
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