Step off the “Goodness” Hamster Wheel. For Good.
There is within human nature an amazing potential for goodness.
I love this quote so much that my eyes well up with tears every time I read it.
It both breaks my heart and fills my body with hope for the future. Why does it break my heart?
Because MLK does not say humans are innately good. He doesn’t say good will win over evil. The word potential feels like a weighty water balloon, full to almost bursting.
We humans have an amazing potential for goodness and we so often squander it. We let fear and insecurity direct our words and actions instead of integrity and compassion. We get stuck in the muck of our own mess. Our triggers, hurt and conditioning speak louder than our inner wisdom and confidence.
Sometimes figuring out how to be ‘good’ can feel overwhelming.
Am I good if I only eat local food? Or is eating organic better? Should I be vegan or make my own bone broth every day?
Am I good if I take time to meditate today or am I better if I call my mom?
Am I good if I take time to work out or am I better to focus on loving my body the way it is now?
Am I good if I help my son with his homework or better if I let him work it out himself?
DIY my website or hire a graphic designer? Which one?
I get trapped in these sorts of thought loops All. The. Time.
We humans can be crippled by an overabundance of choice these days. We are bombarded with choices from every direction, in every area of our lives. Our brains easily and frequently flood from the overflowing river of information.
This is a constant struggle for me but I have learned a few tools that help me stop the loop and calm my questioning mind.
I first take a step back away from myself and I remember that there are no right and wrong answers to these questions. There is only whatever choice I make. Whichever choice I make will lead me down a particular path and I will have more choices to make no matter what. Worrying about a choice is its own path and I know that that path does not do good for me or anyone else.
Next I pause and remember that the most helpful choice for me, always, is to choose love. I take a deep breath and center my awareness into the sensation of love and goodness in my core. I let myself feel the sensations of warmth, connection and light and wait. I wait for my mind to calm down; I wait for the frantic thoughts of What’s it going to be?! Make a decision!!! To quiet down a bit.
(Sometimes I hear yoda’s voice in my head saying, These are not the answers you’re looking for.)
I choose love. I choose to look for the warm feeling of goodness in my body and let my decision come from that place. I can ask myself, How can I act in service of love right now? (And please remember that this means Big Love, as in love for yourself as well as for the greater good of all living beings.
And I send you love and a big hug.
And a reminder, (in case you need it) to be easy on yourself because you are doing the best you can.
If you want some guidance on how to make choices from your wise internal center of love and goodness - schedule a time for a no-cost 30 minute call.
I will help you connect with your own inner wisdom and clarity so that you can more easily do what you are here to do in this life.
Big Love,
P.S. Men’s Mini Mindfulness Course is Live and Ready for YOU! Click here to learn more about it and sign up.