You should try a spring cleaning for your beliefs

Photo by Nikhil kumar on Unsplash

I have been noticing a hardcore kerfuffle happening in social media lately around beliefs. People are displaying anger, fury, fear and hatred towards folks who seem to have different beliefs than them.

Have you been getting worked up — furious, scared, indignant, anxious about people whose beliefs differ from yours?

I am not judging you. I get it.

It is completely valid to be connected and loyal to your beliefs.

We feel our connection to our beliefs in the very core of our bodies and sometimes when people’s beliefs differ from ours it triggers deep-seated fear for our survival.

Disagreements over beliefs have caused the majority of human’s personal and world wide suffering throughout history.

Therefore I believe it is crucial for all of us to regularly question our beliefs. You have to question them to retain clarity on which ones are serving you, your highest truth and which ones are not.

Sometimes you will discover that there’s an old belief hanging around in your psyche that is no longer serving your highest truth. Believing it has become just a habit that you don’t even agree with, but still act as if you did.

For example, I sometimes feel a nervous tension in my throat and discomfort in my chest at the prospect of spending a Saturday night alone in my house. But then I catch myself and realize that I used to believe that staying home on a Saturday night meant I was not cool/not good enough/defective in some way.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I no longer have that belief! In fact, getting to be in my house, alone on a weekend evening now feels like an amazingly super fabulous treat!!

But that old belief occasionally still crops its tedious head up into my psyche.

So I want you to look at your beliefs. Think of it as a Spring Cleaning for your nervous system.

Can you look at your beliefs without judgement?

Can you look at each belief you hold dear and ask, “Does this make me feel safe, loved, accepted and joyful?”

If the answer is “no”, then ask yourself, “Does this belief make me feel more afraid, uncomfortable, separated and judged?”

If you commit to really assessing which beliefs to keep and which ones you would best let go of, the result will be expanded internal peace and freedom as well as profound self acceptance, trust and love.

Play with the following journal prompts and see where they get you to:

  • What do I believe in?

  • What do I believe to be TRUE?

  • What do I believe about myself?

  • What do I believe I deserve in life?

  • What do I believe other people deserve?

  • What do I believe about women?

  • What do I believe about men?

The next step after Spring Cleaning your beliefs is committing to your deepest desire. This is a SUPER juicy and delightful practice.

I LOVE supporting folks in connecting to their authentic desire!

Book a free, no obligation call with me.