What the Fuck? is my new favorite practice.
I’ve still got nothing but love for my sweeter, gentler practices that focus on mindfulness, compassion, gratitude and love.
However lately I find myself relying more heavily on practices that release frustration, irritation, disbelief and of course, anger out of my nervous system and body.
This particular practice arose organically during a zoom call with a dear trusted friend who I know can handle my heavy emotions without absorbing any of it herself.
We wound up both laughing full body, tears streaming down, deliciously satisfying laughter that I so desperately needed.
Try it out and tell me how it goes.
Step 1: Pick a good friend to be your partner for this exercise: they should be someone who shares your general beliefs and worldview.
Step 2: Decide who wtfs first.
Step 3: When its your turn you get to say “What the Fuck?!” as many times as you need to to feel complete. You can add to this key phrase as needed. A few examples from my recent practice:
What the fuck is up with people thinking Bill Gates wants to microchip all of us??
What the fuck if they’re fucking right and I have to run away with my kids to New Zealand?
What the fuck is up with my relatives who cannot figure out how to get on a zoom call like normal humans?
What the fuck is up with NO SCHOOL FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!?!!
What the fuck is up with people not wearing masks?!?
What the fuckity fuck is up with fucking gnats?! Why do they even exist and why do they love me so fucking much?!?
Step 4: Your partner asks you Do you have any more wtfs left?
You feel inside for any fucks that need releasing. Voice those too.
Step 5: You hold space for your partner to voice and release his/her WTFs as needed.
Step 6: Do a happy dance because you feel so much better having gotten that all out!
Step 7: Repeat as Needed!
If you need a partner for this exercise and/or to hold space for other overwhelming emotions you are filled with right now, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I got you.