What do you NEED now to feel ok?

For the past few days I’ve had this image from the beginning credits of The Game of Thrones series in my head. Do you know what I am talking about?


The camera flies over a map and then you zoom in closer to watch whole cities emerge out of the ground unexpectedly. 

I feel like our world is changing like that right now - sudden, dramatic shifts are happening all around and more truths are coming into clear and stark relief. 
With the shit hitting the fan the way it has been, people’s true natures are becoming more and more obvious. We are seeing how people react and respond to everything from just annoying disruption of their daily routine to complete personal financial and/or emotional and physical devastation. 

So many people are showing their incredible light through heart-melting compassion, bravery, generosity and dedication to serving humankind. 

Others are showing their fear, self-absorption and stinginess through depressing selfishness, wilful ignorance and hatred.

When I hear the stories about the first type I feel my chest expand and my heart warm. Sometimes I even laugh as I think of all the dystopian fantasy novels I’ve read and how they got it all wrong. We’re not all out shooting each other and fighting over dog food! We’re offering free yoga classes and turning distilleries into sanitiser factories and even getting free HBO shows!  (There aren’t even any zombies to worry about!!)

When I hear stories about the second type of person, I don’t even get angry or upset for more than a minute surprisingly. I mostly feel gratitude that their true colors are showing for the whole world to see now. It’s like a disgusting, pus filled infected cyst has finally risen to the surface. Now it can be lanced and allowed to heal. The process is excruciating, but I know that we human beings will get through it. 

We are all feeling pain right now and we each can only do what we can do. 

I encourage you to recognize what is your responsibility and what is not. First and foremost - your well-being is your primary responsibility. 

What do you need to be healthy in mind, body and soul NOW?
What do you need to show up for yourself with your bright light shining instead of sinking  down into the muck of fear and self judgement?

Choose one thing to focus on that will help you the most, right now - 

  • Are you not sleeping well? Focus on that. Listen to a meditation, drink a glass of wine before bed if that helps, turn off the computer earlier.

  • Are feeling overwhelmed and claustrophobic with your kids being home all day? Focus on that. Can they play outside for a bit? Can you take a long shower or bath by yourself after their bed time? Can you spend an hour playing with them with real presence and focus and then let them watch a movie while you go talk to a friend in another room?

  • Are you lonely and missing loved ones?  Focus on that. Pick up the phone! (I received a phone call from a friend who I had not seen in 10 years and it made my day! Thank you Amy!!) Ask for support. Show your vulnerability and allow yourself to receive love in the ways that are possible today.

  • Are there too many complicated feelings to know which one to focus on? Call me and I will help you find clarity and peace. 



  • I have been receiving wonderful feedback from you about my writing. Thank you! If you know someone who would appreciate this too, please send them to the blog - https://www.chooseloverevolution.com/blog to read more and join my weekly email list. 

  • We are more than a week into 50 Days of Dance and oh lordy, I am so grateful to have made this commitment. It resets my nervous system every day and brings me home to joy and peace. I am still looking for more guest dance teachers and DJs if you know someone who is amazing. 

  • My most recent interview with Ken Foster at Voices of Courage is up. Ken and I dug deep into powerful ways that you can support yourself and your loved ones during this pandemic. You can find the interview on any podcast platform including these: https://apple.co/3bAh0G9 or https://bit.ly/2UM4hcN or https://ihr.fm/39xAyJY

  • Last Announcement! I am sending extra hugs and kisses to you this week. We all need them right now.

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