“Being wrong, admitting it, apologizing for it humbly and asking the question “How can I do better?” actually makes us more lovable, more safe and ultimately much smarter AND wiser!
Read MoreFor my birthday I’m sharing with you one of my favorite practices again:
Celebrations, Clearings and Desires.
It’s good for all seasons, but it feels especially supportive when marking a transition or milestone like a birthday or anniversary.
What the Fuck? is my new favorite practice.
I’ve still got nothing but love for my sweeter, gentler practices that focus on mindfulness, compassion, gratitude and love.
However lately I find myself relying more heavily on practices that release frustration, irritation, disbelief and of course, anger out of my nervous system and body.
Read MoreTantrums are a sure fire way to move stuck energy out of the body. Babies and children know how to do this until they are blocked by adults. Animals do this naturally as well - full body shaking after a frightening event.
Check this video here where I explain more fully and demonstrate.
Ok, deep breath. This whole lock-down thing is getting pretty old right about now. I’m over it. I want to just fucking walk into a coffee shop, smile at a barista and scarf down a chocolate chip cookie, without worrying about anything more than the cookie’s calorie count.
Is that too much to freakin’ ask?
Screams the frustrated and angry teenage part of me.
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