Posts in Self Love
The one sure way to get enlightened

And I have given up SO MUCH SHIT that used to weigh me down. I have truly become lighter using the tools that I share here, in my book and with my clients. My head feels lighter because the overbearing, critical, judgemental voices have quieted down by about 90%.

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The Secret to Finally Feeling True Forgiveness

I’ve been thinking and feeling into the concept of forgiveness this week. Why is it so challenging to feel it for so many of us? Why do some people forgive easily when others struggle so much with it? And what’s going on with folks who hold grudges for years against people who they perceive to have wronged them?

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When Self-Love Means Letting your Loved Ones Suffer

Looking through the lens of “a pattern of lessons in my life” can sometimes help me shift perspective. It allows me to take a step back and remember that every human is walking their own path - learning the lessons that they need to. Given that truth, I know that I can’t fully understand, much less control how they learn those lessons.

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Stop stressing when you stray from the path

What do you do to support yourself and your loved ones through difficult times?

What do you know, with deep knowing, to be the most helpful and soul-nourishing practices for you? What helps you remember that ‘happiness is the way’?

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… but only very recently have I discovered, to my horror, that the seemingly enlightened, feminist “wu wu” culture that I now spend a good amount of time in - has its own devious set of “shoulds” - especially in the area of love and relationships!

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Ditch the Resolutions. Do this simple 3 Step Practice instead to stick with your Goals

I did not make any resolutions this year. But I did take time to “take stock,” so to speak. I spent time examining and writing about myself with the goal of celebrating my own accomplishments and awesomeness, acknowledging my failures in order to see where and how I can expand further into integrity, compassion and confidence, and clarifying my goals.

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What do you call your Yoni? (Or your female partner’s yoni?)

What do you call your yoni? (And for my men friends - what do you call this part of a woman?) Or do you not call it anything - just gesture to it when necessary saying vaguely down there…?

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Try these Simple Practices for Peaceful Family Time

In my book Choose Love: A Simple Path to Healthy, Joyful Relationships I have a chapter called “Presence with Parents and Siblings” in which I discuss how helpful it is to let go of expectations and “shoulds” in these close relationships.

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